Here are some pictures so you know what we look like. Also, if you’re wondering what to wear, you’ve come to the right place!




I am grateful that you are here. It is a blessing to have you with us. The Wheatland Mission is a community of people seeking to stay close to Jesus and be involved in his work in the world. It is a journey. This journey is sometimes smooth, other times rocky, but always worthy of being shared. Our hope is that you would join us and find yourself a part of God’s work in the world.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Wheatland. I look forward to getting acquainted.

May God bless you!
Paul Hill
Pastor of the Wheatland Mission


If you have little ones, they are welcome to hang out with our nursery workers or join us in service. You are welcome to pick up your child during the song after the sermon so they have the opportunity to partake in communion, or pick them up after service.

Elementary and Preschool students are dismissed during the sermon and return for communion, but are also welcome to stay for the entire service.

Youth (middle and high schoolers) stay in service with us but have their own meeting on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 at Hilltop Church.


lit·ur·gy [ lit-er-jee ]
noun, plural lit·ur·gies
1. a form or formulary according to which public religious worship, especially Christian worship, is conducted.

We do a lot of standing, sitting, and a little kneeling. Feel free to follow along or simply observe!

Many of our prayers are from the Book of Common Prayer and are participatory. You can expect to see them on the screens.

We start with our call to worship, then have the scripture readings for the day read out loud, intermixed with music. The sermon is based on one or more of the scripture readings.

After the sermon comes confession (this is where you can kneel if you want!) and the Eucharistic prayer. We take communion every week by intinction (dipping the bread into the cup). Please come forward with your hands cupped, ready to receive the bread, and request gluten free if needed. If you are not comfortable taking communion for whatever reason, you are more than welcome to come forward with your arms crossed over your chest to receive a blessing. 

After communion, we recite the collect of the week together, have a few announcements, and receive a closing benediction.

Any questions? We would love to hear them!